
Acupuncture is the insertion of thin, sterile, single-use, disposable needles to stimulate the body’s innate healing ability. Acupuncture uses your body’s meridian system to distribute energy to where it’s needed for healing. The meridian system is dense with collagen and includes the fascial networks that connect all your organs, muscles, and bones.

At Lucky Cat Acupuncture, acupuncture is used to repair your acupuncture meridians to unlock your body’s regenerative potential. Acupuncture is a well-rounded manual therapy that addresses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages.

It is used by many clinics, hospitals, and doctor’s offices around the world.

Acupuncture Is An Adaptable Medicine

To repair your energy distribution network (meridians), acupuncture is second to none. Acupuncture can target these broken pathways from many angles, which makes it highly adaptable to any situation. For example, an injured shoulder may be addressed by inserting needles in the:

  • shoulder
  • ankle
  • finger
  • ear
  • or many other locations

The body is a series of patterns, like rivers flowing into the sea, and acupuncture is what reconnects the rivers so they may flow more easily to deliver healing energy where it’s needed.



Cupping is most often done with glass or plastic jars, which either have a flame or a pump device applied to them in order to create a vacuum in the cup so it’ll create suction and grab onto your body.

This technique delivers something like a reverse massage, instead of pushing tissues down, it picks them up. Picking up the layers of tissue allows them to unstick from one another similar to peeling apart velcro.

When tissues are separated from the surrounding tissue it allows them to glide more easily over one another. This allows to achieve a greater range of motion and decreased tension, achiness, and pain. This also aids in opening the acupuncture meridians to allow more regenerative energy to flow into areas that have been cupped.

Where Do The Cups Go?

Cupping can be done on most areas of the body. Some areas such as bonier spots will not work as well with cupping. This is a popular and well-liked tool for reducing tension in the neck, shoulders, and the whole back.

Due to the suction of the cups, it is common for light red to dark purple circles to appear that look like bruises. No need to worry, they will go away on their own after a couple of days to a week.


Electrostimulation Acupuncture

Also known as “E-Stim” or “Electro-Acupuncture”, electro-acupuncture uses a device connected to acupuncture needles to fill your body with healing voltage. This voltage creates major changes in the biological events and regenerative potential within your body.

Most of the time, electroacupuncture is superior to regular acupuncture. Acupuncture repairs the energy distribution network, but electroacupuncture does that and gives you a large dose of healing energy. Your healing ability is dependent on the voltage your cells should be creating. If your cells are not creating a lot of voltage, you need to do more than just fix the energy distribution network. You need to add voltage to the system.

What Does It Feel Like?

Electro-acupuncture feels like a mild tingling, buzzing, or pressure sensation. Depending on the frequency the machine is set to, this can be a slow tap or a faster tap which feels like a buzzing sensation. Different frequencies have different effects on your cells.

Like the other acupuncture-related tools, this one is also very gentle and should always be comfortable.

High-Tech Electro-Acupuncture

Not all electrical current is created equal. That’s why Lucky Cat Acupuncture uses the highest quality electro-acupuncture machines to give you the highest amount of healing voltage with the lowest amperage/current possible. This makes your battery recharging as safe and comfortable as can be.



Moxibustion is also referred to as “moxa”. Moxa is the term for the therapy that consists of burning dried mugwort, which is an herb. This creates a soothing and warming heat that deeply penetrates tissues to warm them and increase circulation.

Increasing the circulation in tissues means they will now receive more blood, nutrients, and oxygen that they can use to repair and heal themselves. Moxa treatment also feels very relaxing.

This also generates large amounts of infrared light to nourish the cells where it is applied. Infrared light is extremely important for cell health.

What Conditions Is Moxa For?

Moxa can be used almost as diversely as acupuncture needles. It is very effective for mental and emotional type issues such as anxiety, insomnia, and stress. It is also popular for women’s issues and digestive disorders.

The moxa is applied by a practitioner holding the moxa roll just above the skin at the level you feel the warm glow of the moxa but also at a safe distance to avoid unwanted pain. The location moxa is applied is dependent on the condition, but it can be used almost anywhere on the body.

Moxa can also be applied to acupuncture needles to drive the heat and infrared light deeper into your tissues.


Gua Sha

Gua sha is the use of a Gua Sha tool, or sometimes a Chinese soup spoon, as a tool for a scraping massage. When done properly, it has a similar effect to that of cupping. It picks tissues up and “unsticks” them which releases tension and knots in the tissues. It is used to repair and realign your energy distributing acupuncture meridians.

Both cupping and gua sha are recognizable from the red or purple discoloration and dots after treatment. This is simply stagnant blood that has been stuck in your tissues.

Do I Need Gua Sha?

Gua Sha is fantastic for breaking up adhesions and scar-type tissue where the tissues under the skin become immobile due to repetitive poor posture or trauma. Interestingly enough, it is also very good for treating the common cold and breaking fevers!

Despite the marks it leaves, which are very similar to cupping marks, Gua Sha is a gentle massage-like therapy that promotes a greater range of motion and circulation. Gua sha works right away and there’s an immediate noticeable difference in pain and tension post-scraping.

Gua Sha

Tui Na

Tui Na refers to a wide array of Traditional Chinese Medicine massage and bodywork. It is usually not the pleasurable and relaxing spa experience kind of massage that many people associate with the acupuncture experience.

It is used to target dysfunction and work through blockages from the most superficial to the deepest levels.

When Do You Use Tui Na?

Tui Na is usually an adjunctive therapy to other Oriental Medicine techniques. A majority of techniques involve the practitioner applying pressure with different parts of their fingers, hands, and elbows.

It also includes a wide variety of exercise-like movements and bodily manipulations to aid the client in moving better, improving health and function and correcting posture.

Tui Na


Qigong is the practice of manipulating subtle energy or electricity. It has its roots in ancient philosophy and mysticism, but it is sturdily backed by the sciences, such as quantum physics. When an acupuncture needle is inserted the sensation is generally described as electric, heavy, numb, or tingling. This feeling is the feeling of bioelectromagnetic fields in your body. Qigong involves a practitioner using their own electromagnetic field to create a positive change in the clients electromagnetic field.

The practice of Qigong is intimate with the breath. Every time you breathe, your body creates an energetic flux. That is why you feel recharged and more awake when you take full deep breaths. Your cells can make more energy with more oxygen.

Controlling The Nervous System

A practitioner of medical Qigong can adjust the electromagnetic energy in your body. It is heavily influenced by the intention of the practitioner and the receptivity of the receiver. This deals with the power of intention in manipulating particles at the subatomic level. One of the most notable abilities of Qigong is how it can shift someone into a parasympathetic state, a state of relaxation. There is a reason Qigong was one of the four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine…


Therapeutic Bloodletting

Bloodletting is a powerful therapy that can address both acute and longer-term problems, it is often effective for tricky long-standing dysfunctions. Bloodletting is done with either a sterile, single-use, stainless steel lancet or hypodermic needle without the syringe part. A swift prick of the tool in a carefully chosen location and a few drops of blood are drained, that’s it.

A Quick Procedure

The relief often experienced from bloodletting is usually immediate. The few drops of blood that do come out usually tend to be more thick and purple than fresh bright red oxygenated blood. The goal of bloodletting is to open any restricted areas and balance the flow of blood between the deep veins and superficial veins.

Improving Circulation

Removing the old, deoxygenated, non-nutritious blood from the system allows more room for fresh oxygen-rich and nutritious blood to fill the area that was once congested. All of those previously nutrient-starved tissues will now get the resources that they need to function properly.
